Ethiopia Animals and Plants

By | June 2, 2021

Animals from North and East Africa

The fauna of Ethiopia is very diverse. Animals that have a home in North Africa, but also animals from East Africa live here. However, many animal populations have now declined. Most herds of animals have become smaller and some herd animals such as giraffes or elephants are almost completely absent. Poaching has reduced stocks. The destruction of the animals’ natural habitats contributes to the fact that the original animal populations can no longer be restored.

In the national parks the animals find only a few places to retreat. They are often hunted and are prey for the local people. They themselves often have too little to eat and rely on the animals.

Big cats and monkeys

Lions, leopards, cheetahs and spotted hyenas still exist in Ethiopia. The Ethiopian wolf is also native to two areas in Ethiopia. It mainly eats mice and rats. Warthogs can be found in

the savannah and bush pigs live in the forest. Monkeys also cavort in Ethiopia, such as the vervet monkey or various types of baboon, for example the blood-breasted baboon, which got its name from the red spot on its chest. It only occurs in the Ethiopian highlands.

Animals in Ethiopia

These baboons look funny with their red spots on their chests. The blood breast baboons only live in the highlands of Ethiopia.

What’s flying in Ethiopia?

The species richness of birds is very high in Ethiopia. Over 850 different species were counted. 23 of these species occur only in Ethiopia. These include the arch raven and the klunkeribis.

Many Ethiopian birds like to live by the water. There are many lakes and rivers in Ethiopia, even if they dry up from time to time. There are also wetlands. Herons, storks, pelicans and cormorants can be found on the water.

Flamingos are also common. Incidentally, the flamingos like to eat crayfish and then take the crayfish’s red pigment with them. And in the end, the flamingos are pink because the feathers store the dye. Several species of eagles circle over the lakes of Ethiopia, as well as hawks and vultures.

Many bird species, which are characterized by their colorful plumage, also live in Ethiopia. These include the butterfly finches and the bearded birds or the nectar birds, which, as their name suggests, prefer to sip nectar.

And what is crawling around in Ethiopia?

Leopard tortoises also have a home in Ethiopia. You can find them mainly in the bush and in the savannah. Chameleons also live in the bushland and can change their color depending on the environment. Even crocodiles are to be discovered on the Great Lakes, especially the large Nile crocodile. Monitor lizards also live here. Unlike crocodiles, they mostly live as solitary animals.

There are also snakes, but they are usually very shy and cannot be seen. In addition to harmless species of snakes, there are also dangerous specimens in Ethiopia, such as cobras. Then there are the frogs in the waters of the country and also toads.

National parks

Several national parks have been set up in Ethiopia to protect animals and plants. This includes Omo National Park in the southwest and Awash National Park in the center of the country. Buffalo, giraffes, oryx, kudu, eland, lions, leopards and hyenas live in the Omo National Park. In the Awash National Park, aardvarks, baboons feel. Zebras and Klipspringer probably.

What is growing there in Ethiopia?

Since Ethiopia is a very large country with many differences in altitude, very different plants grow there. In the mountainous regions in the north of the country you can find grasses and mosses. A type of dried flower is also at home here. It blooms white and its flowers last a long time, even if you cut them off.

You will also find trees almost only in the higher regions: Eucalyptus trees have the largest proportion, in addition there are umbrella acacias, sycamore trees and baobabs. The latter can easily survive even in dry areas because it is able to store large amounts of water.

A rose in Africa and plants that are useful

In the temperate zone there are many species of thistle, but also the lady’s mantle, which is a rose family. Also worth mentioning is the Rosa abyssinica, the only real wild rose that grows in Africa. In tree species there is, for example, the horseradish tree, which is also called moringa. Incidentally, you can eat its leaves like lettuce. Coffee

grows in the tropical zone. Especially in the higher zones between 1200 and 1800 meters. This grows mainly in the shade of larger trees. The region around Kaffa is often referred to as the home of coffee. Thorn bushes, desert bushes and many grasses grow in the lower dry areas.

Many crops are grown, especially in southern Ethiopia. These include sugar cane, corn, vegetables and also cotton. There is also a type of millet called teff and wheat or potatoes can be found in the fields. The chickpeas are also important.

Ethiopia Animals